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What is Tantra to me


For me, Tantra is the alchemy of connecting with your infinite energy. I don't see Tantra as something that is reduced to sexuality, but as a sacred path to unfold who we are, what ignites the enjoyment of life, what shows the powerful, unique and personal mission of this life. I would like to tell you my life story, in which you may find yourself in certain situations.

My path so far has been full of intuitive decisions, leaving a society that was strongly structured around collective thinking and action, towards communities and places that have been collectively and above all communally based for thousands of years in a completely different context. In a transversal sense, it was a journey to the self, on which I was often faced with decisions such as: Should I do this? And ultimately always followed my inner voice, mostly out of the knowledge that I would otherwise be depressed, rather than out of any special innate strength or heroism.

Even though I hesitated, these decisions took me to such wonderful places and connected me with such great people that I set myself the goal of helping more people, especially mothers, to make the only right decisions for themselves and to find their way, to dream, to formulate, to feel, to take it to themselves and to walk it. I feel that this site is like a sofa of friends, a virtual space where we warm our hearts and where we really start to feel. It is a place that was created to recognize us, to understand ourselves from innocence, to see our wounds, big and small, and in all of this—us, as beings under construction, in constant initiation.

This space is a witches' cauldron that brings together many subtle, natural and traditional medicines to reprocess and expand the desire to live one's own life again. Not only ingredients from natural, holistic and tantric healing are simmering here, but also from conscious, alternative and active education, so that this recipe can work its own magic for us. Education is a lifelong process that begins in early childhood. It shapes us and is the socio-cultural aspect of our inner child. That is why it is important to me to find new ways in which we become more playful, tolerant, open and wiser with ourselves, and in this way create new opportunities for life to experience from ourselves in our families and communities, which also contribute to an evolving and more loving society.


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